Chemical Solutions
Supporting our clients to safely use, enjoy, recycle and value water.
And to sustain this precious resource for future generations
System Technique supplies a wide range of high quality process chemicals for boilers, cooling towers, closed circuits, chillers, domestic water , waste water and process treatment.
We Support our products with our knowledgeable service teams who are available to visit your facility, analyse your water and recommend dedicated treatment and service programs to protect your equipment, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

System Technique product portfolio contains:

Cooling Chemistries, Chillers and Closed circuits
System Technique provides the complete range of cooling, chiller and closed circuit treatment including :
Corrosion inhibitor
Scale inhibitor
Microbiological Control
We also provide complete HVAC systems

Boiler Chemistries
If not correctly treated with chemicals a boiler’s lifetime and efficiency will be seriously reduced and the safety of the boiler house compromised due to scale and corrosion.
System Technique is proud that some of the boilers we have been treating for over 25 years are still in use today. We provide the complete range of boiler treatment including
Internal treatment chemicals for corrosion and scale
O2 scavenger
Condensate return treatment
Feed water treatment chemicals and equipment
We also provide complete Boiler and Steam systems
We are ready to hear your inquries

Waste water and process chemistries
RO antiscalant and membrane cleaners
Anionic and Cationic polymer
Flocculants and coagulants
Retention aid
Anti foams
Sludge dewatering
We support our products with knowledgeable service teams who recommend treatment programs and provide 24 hr. Service support to protect your equipment, reduce costs and increase your process efficiency.
We are supporting our proprietary software ST Online which supports continuous monitoring of out sites.
We also provide complete wastewater treatment plants

Our Biocides include a wide range of oxidizing, non oxidizing and quat based biocides which are chosen depending on your required application along with specialized dosing systems.
We also provide complete disinfctant systems

Paper process chemistries
With water used in nearly every step of the manufacturing processes, P&P mills produce large volumes of wastewater and residual sludge waste, presenting a number of issues in relation to wastewater treatment, discharge, and sludge disposal.
We serve pulp and paper industry

Petrochemical Process chemistries
System Technique provides various solutions to Oil and gas Industry, including :
Produced Waters (Oil and gas condensate)
Sulphate removal and desalination
Desalting of crude oil using DI water
Refinery wastewater treatment including
Phenol removal
Acetic acid separation and concentration
Caustic recovery
System Technique proudly serves Oil and gas industry

Automatic Control and dosing systems
System Technique can provide you with intelligent control and dosing solutions for applications that require accurate and reliable process control and measurement.
We are currently supplying measurement and control systems to the oil and gas, water treatment, cement, food and beverages, paper, textile and pharmaceutical industries.
System Technique provides full systems